Memorial Sports Center’s concessions are located on the 2nd floor in our heated viewing area. Concessions are typically available during scheduled Middlebury Amateur Hockey Association and Middlebury Union High School games.
The concessions are managed by Friends of Middlebury Hockey and staffed by volunteeers from among the MAHA and MUHS parent community. Please submit any requests or questions about MSC’s concessions to
A sample of the current MSC concessions menu is displayed below. All items are subject to availablity and time of day.

Catering for visiting teams
MSC Concessions is happy to welcome visiting teams and their families, but we’re unable to prep and provide full team catering out of our concessions space. If teams would like to place a catering order for their events at MSC or for the bus ride home, we encourage you to reach out to some of our great local food service providers.
Greg’s Market
Noonie’s Deli
Nino’s Pizza