Use the links below to add one of Memorial Sports Center’s activity calendars to your personal or work calendar.
To subscribe via your Microsoft Outlook account
- Click on an iCal link below
- The file will save to your device. When prompted, click Open. The iCalendar will appear in your Outlook Calendar under ‘Other Calendars’.
iCal links
Public Skating & Stick and Puck
To subscribe via your Google Calendar account
- In Google Calendar, click the plus sign beside the “Other calendars” section in the left side. The option you’re looking for is “Subscribe to Calendar.”
- Click “Subscribe to Calendar”, enter the calendar URL, and then press return.
- Give the calendar a name of your choice and update any other settings based on your preference.
- The new calendar will show up in the list under “Other Calendars,” and events should show up right away.
Google Calendar URLs
Youth Hockey URL:
Adult Hockey URL:
Available to rent URL:
Tournaments URL:
Public Skating & Stick and Puck URL:
Resurfacing URL: